“Tears Of Gratitude” is my new blog newsletter on the Substack platform. I chose the name “Tears Of Gratitude” as it conveys the very sentiment that inspires me to share all I have learned and continue to learn every day of my life. This replaces my previous Wordpress blog. I moved to the Substack platform from the free Wordpress blogging site for a number of reasons listed below:
No Annoying Ads - The cost of a free blog on Wordpress was their use and control of ads on my blog. With Substack you won’t see any ads whatsoever. On Substack you’ll only see content from me.
Different Subscription Options - With Substack you can subscribe for free to receive emails of new posts and updates from me just as you did when my blog was on Wordpress. In addition there is a paid subscription option that will allow you the privilege to access the complete archives as well as special content exclusive for paid subscribers. Paid subscribers will also have the privilege to comment on posts and articles and receive feedback from me and will become part of my inner circle of friends.
Additional Separate Substacks For Specific Interests - My previous Wordpress blog was a catch-all for all sorts of varied content from lecture transcripts by my father, Michio Kushi, to video links, to my personal commentary on the macrobiotic movement and other random topics the I found interesting enough to share. With the move to Substack I am able to create different newsletter blogs of specific interest. In addition to this blog which will continue to offer news of my activities and interests there will be at least two other blogs for those with specific interests. These are:
The Teachings Of Michio And Aveline Kushi - For those specifically interested in the teachings of my parents, Michio and Aveline Kushi, I have created a convenient and separate Substack newsletter blog where subscribers will find the entire catalogue of their teachings in my possession. This includes videos, the entire “Order Of The Universe Magazine”, various Seminar Reports and Kushi Institute Study Guides, audio recordings and more. For more information and to subscribe to The Teachings Of Michio and Aveline Kushi go here: michiokushi.substack.com
Study Macrobiotics With Phiya - Coming soon for those wishing to learn about macrobiotics based on my own personal studies, experiences and point of view I have created a separate Substack newsletter site just for this purpose. This Substack site will be interactive and will contain organized and guided lessons, videos, live classes and more. It is where I hope to share everything I have experienced, learned, taught and understand about macrobiotics. For more information and to subscribe go here: macrobiotics.substack.com
More to come - Look for other Substack newletters on specific topics from me in the future
Inspired And Focused Articles - Substack is designed for writers who are serious about their craft. In keeping with their goals of excellence then articles I write will be done with greater substance, care and integrity.
A preview of forthcoming content will include:
“The De Langre Tapes” - audio recordings of lectures by George Ohsawa, Michio Kushi, Jacques De Langre and Lou Oles.
“Why Macrobiotic Leaders Died From Cancer - According To Macrobiotics” - an in depth reflection on the lives and behaviors of macrobiotic leaders according to the macrobiotics
“The Rise And Fall Of Kushi Macrobiotics” - a personal and inside account on the successes and failures of the Kushi macrobiotic movement.
If you were a subscriber to my previous Wordpress blog you will have to resubscribe to this new blog. To subscribe to “Tears Of Gratitude” go here: phiya.Substack.com
Phiya , I would like to contact Norio . Questions and to say hello to an old friend . Feel free to give him my email: jglennp@hotmail.com
Glenn Paladino